Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Apa yang Harus Dilakukan Kalau Akun AdSense Dibekukan?

Huaaa... gimana ndak panik. Pagi-pagi seperti pagi yang lain saat duduk di depan laptop, yang pertama-tama kubuka adalah email. Dannn.... kena serangan jantung gue. Ada notifikasi dari AdSense :


We recently detected invalid activity in your AdSense account. As a result, we’ve temporarily suspended your account for 30 days. During this time, no ads will be served on your sites.

Why was my account suspended?
We found instances of one or more users clicking repeatedly on your AdSense ads which is prohibited by the AdSense Program Policies. Clicks on Google ads must result from genuine user interest. Publishers may not ask others to refresh or click their ads. This includes asking for users to support your site, offering rewards to users for viewing ads or performing searches and promising to raise money for third parties for such behavior. Additionally, clicking your own ads, automated clicking tools or traffic sources, robots, or other deceptive software are also prohibited.
We understand that you may want to know more about the invalid activity we’ve detected. Because this information could be used to circumvent our proprietary detection system, we’re unable to provide our publishers with information about specific account activity, including any web pages, users, or third-party services that may have been involved.

This is a one-time, non-appealable suspension. After 30 days, we’ll automatically re-enable ad-serving on your account.
If you need more time to identify and stop the invalid activity, please remove your AdSense ad code from your sites to prevent ads from being displayed.
Please note that if any additional issues are found in your AdSense account in the interim period of suspension, your account may be permanently disabled even before the suspension period ends. Please review our list of top reasons for account closure to help you understand the possible reasons that publishers may have their accounts disabled.
If your account is found to have invalid activity in the future, it will be subject to additional penalties, and may be permanently disabled.

How does the suspension affect my payments?
You will be eligible to begin receiving payments again once your account generates sufficient valid traffic.
As a result of the suspension, we are withholding the unpaid revenue in your account and refunding the balance, along with Google’s share, to affected advertisers. In addition, once ad-serving resumes on your sites, we will suspend any future payments for 30 days—you will earn revenue during this time, and, provided your account remains in good standing, that revenue will be paid in the next payment period.

How can I prevent this from happening again?
To help you identify the potential source of the problem, we recommend reviewing the following resources:
  • Review the top reasons for account suspension article in our AdSense Help Center.
  • Don't click live ads on your own sites. Test ad clicks on your sites through the Google Publisher toolbar.
  • AdSense publishers are ultimately responsible for the traffic on their ads. Don't ask anyone to click on your Google ads. Users should always click on Google ads because they're interested in the services being advertised, not to raise money for your site or for a cause.
  • Learn how to segment your traffic. Understanding and monitoring traffic to your site may help you identify sources of invalid activity.
  • Review the Ad Traffic Quality Resource Center for additional information on invalid activity.

We encourage you to be proactive in ensuring that your ad traffic complies with our guidelines and policies. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to your return to the AdSense network in good standing after the suspension ends.

The Google AdSense Team

Huaaaa.... mau gimana lagi. Ya sudah, aku kan tak punya pilihan. Soal kesalahan-kesalahan itu :
1. Klik pada iklan di blog sendiri. Hmmm... HPku tuh memang terus-menerus membuka blogku, untuk memantau. Ya, kadang ketika ada iklan yang menarik seperti waktu itu ada biaya perjalanan murah, nih jari otomatis klik. Jadi mulai sekarang, tutup blogku di HP biar jariku ndak jahil.
2. AdSense di blogku ini baru jalan beberap minggu. Yang semangat bukan hanya aku, tapi orang-orang dekatku. Bahkan beberapa tulisan dijadikan diskusi. Jadi ya mungkin saja diklik berulang kali oleh orang yang sama. Tapi mosok ada robot yang minat pada blogku ya?
3. Yukkk, tunggu 30 hari untuk menjadi normal kembali. Moga aku tak membuat kesalahan lagi. Intine sih ya aku tetep nulis untuk blog ini. 

Yukkk... semangat ngeblog...

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